State of the Food Industry - Workforce Board
OFA Agri-Goof Initiatives Ontario Directory
Accessing the Market: Development of an Optimal Food Distribution Model for the South Central Ontario Region - George Morris Centre
State of the Food Industry - Workforce Board
OFA Agri-Goof Initiatives Ontario Directory
Accessing the Market: Development of an Optimal Food Distribution Model for the South Central Ontario Region - George Morris Centre
Southwest Community Transit
Southwest Community Transit is an association of community transit services across southwestern Ontario. SCT is comprised of nine members: Grey Transit, Brant Transit, Ride Norfolk, T-Go, PC Connect, Middlesex Connect, Stratford, Strathroy-Caradoc, Huron Shores Area Transit.
Each community transit service operates independently but works together to connect routes where possible, coordinate ticket pricing and information, share legal information, and adopt best practices in policies and procedures.
SCT members are committed to providing affordable transit options for residents to access employment, healthcare, education and recreation.

Connecting job seekers to transit. The SCT network collaborated with workforce planning boards to ensure that residents looking for employment in the region could see if transit routes were offered nearby their potential job. The transit route maps can be found on the following sites: Grand Erie Jobs and the Local Jobs Hub
Southwest Community Transit Updates
The County of Brant – Brant Transit
Grey County – Grey Transit Route
Huron Shores – Huron Shores Area Transit
Middlesex County – Middlesex County Connect
Norfolk County – Ride Norfolk
Perth County – PC Connect
Strathroy-Caradoc-City of London-City of Sarnia - Inter-Community Transit
Town of Tillsonburg – T:GO
Funded by: Community Transportation Grant Program, Community Futures Oxford, Community Futures Middlesex