If you are a business in the South Central Ontario Region or are looking to start a business, then be sure to reach out to one of the organizations listed below in your community for additional support, financing and other resources!
Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDCs)
These CFDCs provide:
Strategic community planning and socio-economic development
Support for community-based projects
Business information and planning services
Access to capital for small- and medium-sized businesses and social enterprises
Community Futures in SCOR

Small Business Enterprise Centres
These centres can help you start or grow a business. These centres offer:
free consultations with a qualified business consultant
internet and computer access for business research and planning
review of business plans
consultations through a lawyer or accountant referral service
up-to-date information for entrepreneurs
access to directories, trade indexes and books
workshops and seminars
guidance on licenses, permits, registration, regulations and other documents you need to start a business
import and export information
information on patents, copyright and trademarks
mentoring and networking opportunities
Small Business Enterprise Centres in SCOR
Click the link below to stay up to date with the latest funding incentives and programs: https://lp.constantcontact.com/su/Y9ARp7T