The Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) and South Central Ontario Region Economic Development Corporation (SCOR EDC) are proud to partner on the Feeding Your Future project to launch a series of farming training videos.
The Focus on Food and Focus on Livestock videos highlight farmer-to-farmer and career options for those exploring job opportunities and were developed with agricultural commodity groups, including: Beef Farmers of Ontario, Ontario Apple Growers, Ontario Berry Growers, Ontario Pork, and Grain Farmers of Ontario. These videos provide resources and industry advice for Ontario crop and livestock operations that can improve economic efficiency and animal health.
This video series is part of a broader project called Feeding Your Future which connects Ontario employers and job seekers in the agri-food sector through job postings, virtual career fairs, webinars and short-term training opportunities.
To learn more about the Feeding Your Future initiative and the Focus on Food and Focus on Livestock video series, visit